How the Normalization of Homosexuality is Harming Our Kids

by jendo at

by jendo at

Our culture is shooting itself in the foot!

We don’t realize the spiritual and moral depravity we are bringing upon ourselves with our present actions.

Homosexual advocates have succeeding in winning a cultural war for acceptance and approval.  They have persuaded our present generation to accept homosexuality and gay marriage as “normal.”  One of the great tragedies is the affect this cultural acceptance is having on future generations.

Some of the primary cultural belief’s and messages:

  • The cultural belief that is propagated that individuals are made this way by God.  Therefore when someone practices homosexuality, they are simply being what God intended them to be. 
  • The cultural insistence that young people should choose their sexuality.  They should explore and consider both heterosexual and homosexual behavior.  Thus, we choose our sexuality and it is each person’s choice.
  • The cultural expectation that one cannot judge another’s behavior or choice, so it is simply a matter of each individual choosing what is best in their own eyes.  There is no absolute truth.
  • The cultural determination to normalize the homosexual relationship.  From the acceptance of gay marriage to the entertainment industry which pushes the image that it is “normal.”
  • The cultural delusion that love is the supreme value, and thus if two individuals of the same sex love each other, they are entitled to a relationship.  

In my opinion and observation this is leading to a tremendous increase in the practice of homosexuality, which the Bible describes as sin (see this past post).  This is why we are seeing such an increase of this sin amongst Junior High and High School students.  Sadly, this has lead to Christian homes being severed by this issue.

Satan has sold our culture these lies.

Consider a young person who is growing up in our culture today.  He or she hits the difficult adolescent years and experiences the physical changes of puberty.  They are living in a culture that is thoroughly sexualized and gives them countless sexual images and thoughts each day.  They are experiencing  difficult social years trying to understand themselves, their peers, and the opposite sex.  They see regular role-models of “normal” homosexual individuals and families.  They are told they may be either, they should choose and no one has a right to tell you who you should be sexually.

You can see how the lies of our culture are harming our children.  Rather than the operation of past generations for centuries which taught their children that their was a proper place for sexual desire and expression in marriage with the opposite sex.  Which taught kids through the culture, home, and church that boys like girls, and girls like boys.

This is why I believe we are seeing more homosexual individuals.  Many states now even have laws forbidding counselors from trying to help a minor overcome homosexuality.  We are feeding these things to our kids at an age when they are not physically, emotionally, and spiritually mature enough to make good decisions.

Parents and the church have to do a better job of intervening in the pre-teen and teen years and discussing sexuality with young people.  We must explain to them from Scripture who God created them to be.  Talk with them about the social anxiety they will feel toward the opposite sex, but encourage them that this does not mean they are homosexual.  There is a great need for godly fathers and mothers to teach their children about God’s purpose and intention with sex and marriage.

Our culture is failing our children by selling them these lies.  The lifestyle of homosexuality our culture is encouraging many to choose will lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and misery.  It will rob our nations’ children of the true life God intended for them.

The prophet Isaiah’s words are applicable, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”  (Is. 5:20).

Our nation is shooting ourself in the foot by harming our youth with these lies.  What are your thoughts?

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  1. Josh,

    Your post fits perfectly with the recent Jason Collins of the Celtics coming out issue.
    Everyone knows NBA stars are the heroes of so many young children, Collins included. In the interview Collins was asked,”what would you say to the 12 year old who is gay and wants to play in the NBA?”

    His answer was predictable,but the question reveals the real issue.
    Nobody lives to himself or dies to himself, we all affect each other, and sports stars even more so when it comes to being public figures and inevitably role models.

    I grew up with five older brothers, two who were gay and died of AIDS.
    Please read and forward my article to any and all.
    This word needs to go out.

    Thanks and God bless.

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