Fire Yourself To Begin This Year

youre-fired-youre-hired-The beginning of each year I fire myself!  Thankfully I have not actually been fired by my employer any of these years.

Years back, I heard Andy Stanley suggest that we know what needs to be done more than anyone else.  But we are so entrenched into the system that we fear making those changes.  Maybe we are so comfortable that we don’t want to rock the boat.  This often leads to us becoming ineffective in our work and possibly being let go from our employment.  He suggested, that we should have a strong talk with ourselves, fire ourselves, get up, go outside the door, and come back in with a fresh perspective.

You know what needs to be done.  You know what the new guy should or would do, so come back in and do it!  You be the new guy!

Start a new program, deal with the hard issue you have been neglecting, tackle a new task with vigor.  Get excited and cast a vision.  You are the person who understands your job the best, don’t make them replace you to find someone to do what needs to be done.

Fire yourself!  Come back in and get started doing what the new guy would do!

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