Even Jesus Needed to Hear It

Father and Daughter by  (c) Helene Souza at www.sxc.hu

Father and Daughter by (c) Helene Souza at www.sxc.hu

I hear and read so often that kids grow up without feeling and hearing love expressed from their father.  

Leon Barnes, a long-time gospel preacher, has been reflecting on his family in some wonderful posts at leonbarnes.wordpress.com.  In the link just highlighted, he wrote about lessons from his dad.  His dad was a devout and extremely faithful man, yet he struggled with disciplining out of anger and poorly expressing his love to his wife and kids.  Sadly, this was, and is, very common.

Have you ever noticed how God the Father affirms His son?

After his baptism at the beginning of his public ministry a voice from heaven says:

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Mat. 3:17)

At the transfiguration, before Jesus embarks on his final journey leading to the cross, a voice from heaven says:

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him.”  (Mat. 17:5).  

If the Son of God needed encouragement and affirmation from His father, don’t you think our kids do?  Kids know instinctively, it seems, that they have mom’s love, but they sometimes wonder about dad’s.  They want to know dad is pleased with them.  Boys wonder, “Do they have what it takes?”  Girls ask, “Are they lovely and valuable in his eyes?”

The Father boomed forth his voice to affirm his son.  Let us as father’s boom forth our voices at every opportunity to let our children know we love them.  Let’s encourage them, rather than exasperate them with impossible standards or our own goals.  Let’s tell them we are well-pleased with them.

Jesus needed this encouragement to face his future challenges.  Our kids need it for their future challenges as well.

I am grateful that my father expressed love and affirmed me as I grew up, and even now.  I make it my aim to express love to my kids through hugs, kisses, encouraging words, and saying “I love you.”  It doesn’t always come natural for us men, but it is important.

Join God, myself, and other dad’s in this pursuit of affirming our children.

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