Don’t Constantly Compare Yourself to Others!

Generation by Gregor Varl at

Generation by Gregor Varl at

We don’t want to be judged by others, yet we can be guilty of constantly comparing ourselves to others.

We go through our days holding up measuring sticks to ourselves based on what we assume about others.

We think things like this . . .

  • We are the same age, yet they look much younger and skinner!
  • I do the same job they do, yet they have a nicer car and a bigger house.
  • I should of gotten up earlier, like them.  OR I am doing better than them, I got up early and made it to work an hour early.
  • I may not be that strong of a Christian, but I am much better than them.
  • I go to church on Wednesday nights, which makes me better than half the church!
  • I couldn’t talk to an elder about my problem, they are such wonderful Christians, and I am so embarrassed with my life.

Paul spoke to this issue when he wrote, “But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding” (2 Cor. 10:12).  He is writing about how the false teachers were judging themselves by one another, instead of Christ.

When we compare ourselves with others, we generally obtain an inaccurate measurement.  We then make one of two assumptions.  We think–they are better than us or we are better than them!  Isn’t that true?  Truthfully, we are often comparing ourselves so we can either feel good or bad about ourself.  It creates jealousy of others and also fosters an unhealthy and unrealistic view of ourselves.  I am not suggesting all comparisons are wrong. We are social beings and some healthy comparisons are needed.  We can even gain motivation and insight from comparing ourselves to others, but we must be careful.

So what is the right approach?  Guard yourself against constantly comparing yourself against others.  Find contentment and peace in who God created you to be.  You are unique and special.  You are the only one living your life!  Paul tells to not compare ourselves to others, but constantly be seeking to grow into “mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13).

You can always find someone that does better than you, just as you can always find someone that does worse than you.  Don’t spend all your time looking and fretting about either category.  Focus on your own ability and responsibility before Christ.  Go be you!  It will make your life more productive and your joy more full! 

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1 comment

  1. Excellent!

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