Considering Unwed Birth Statistics

baby by vierdrie from

baby by vierdrie from

Some Eye Opening Statistics

Being the father of four children, I have spent a few days in the maternity ward.  I have been to enough maternity appointments and lived in this world long enough to know that not all babies are being born into a two parent family joined in the commitment of marriage.  I am sure you know the same thing, whether you have had four kids or not!

But what I didn’t realize is how much our world has changed in the last 50 years.

In 1960, the number of unwed births in our nation was around 5% of all births.  A large percentage of these  were to teenage young mothers (I don’t know the exact percentage in 1960, but 50% of all unwed births were to teenagers in 1970).  In fact, even today it seems that the image we typically think of when it comes to unwed births is a young teenage girl.  What that means is that in 1960, 95% of the children being born were being born into a family with a dad and mom who had committed vows to each other in marriage.

In 2011, there were 1,607,773 babies born to unwed mothers in the United States.  This was some 41% of all births.   And it is not just teenagers having lots of babies, but in 2007 teenagers accounted for only 23% of the unwed births.  As the CDC bulletin states, “Birth rates have risen considerably for unmarried women in their twenties and over, while declining or changing little for unmarried teenagers.”  The bottom line is that 4 out of 10 children born today in America are not born into a traditional married home with a mom and dad.

Some Observations

  1. These statistics reflect the changing views in our culture over the last 50 years regarding marriage and sex.  Many of the births, probably around 40% or more are to cohabiting couples.¹  Marriage is not seen as a necessary prerequisite before having children.  The sexual revolution changed the culture’s view of sex making it accepted to have sex outside of marriage with multiple partners. The commitment of waiting till marriage to have sex is a rare value in our current culture and there is little cultural shame with being pregnant outside of marriage.  It has become a norm, rather than  culturally taboo.
  2. These statistics demonstrate why so many children have a difficult time.  Social science research, agreeing with God’s intended plan, have long proved that the best and ideal environment for children is a loving two-parent home bound together in marriage.  Yet, some 4 in 10 children today come into this world without this reality.  No wonder problems with children from drug use to hyperactivity have accelerated since the 60’s.
  3. Where are the men?  Probably the greatest issue from these statistics is the lack of a loving father in the home who is a husband and father.  Sadly so many children are growing up not seeing what a Biblically-patterned home looks like.  Without the model, they have difficulty creating a godly home.  The role of the father has been shown to be so important to the development of the self-worth, values, and success of boys and girls.  Men have shown for their few minutes of pleasure and passion, but where are they in loving the children and their mother?  Sadly, it seems in most cases they are not there!
  4. God takes us where we are and makes us better!  There may be some who read this who are a part of these statistics.  You may be a pregnant teenager, a 20-something single mother, or a father of two children by different women.  My plea would be to remind you that God has a role and purpose for your life.  He has given us His plan for the family and His plan is for our best.  He offers us forgiveness from past sins (Ps. 32, Rom. 8:1), but expects us to repent and give our life to Christ (Acts 17:30-31).  Through faith in Christ and submission to baptism, we can be cleansed of past sins (1 Pet. 3:21, Acts 2:38, 22:16).  You may not have the ideal, and it may never be the ideal because of past mistakes, but God wants to take you where you are and make you better!    He can transform your life, if you will do it His way.  Let Him!

What are your observations?


¹ – The 40% figure was from 2002 and it has likely only increased since then.


Kids Count Data Center

CDC Data Brief – May 2009

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