Category: Marriage and Family

Killing Buffalos and Babies!

One of the most publicized historical facts of American history is the great decimation of the buffalo herds that roamed the Great Plains. When I was a child learning history from TV, museums, and school, it seemed I heard repeatedly how we had callously, foolishly, and rapidly destroyed the herds in the late 1800s. The …

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The Making of David

What ingredients went into making David a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14)? We must put these same ingredients into our own lives and use them as parents to raise our children. In the opening chapter of David’s life, when he is anointed by Samuel to be the future king, we see six …

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Letting Others Wear Their Mourning Garments

The holidays are approaching.  For the dominant culture it is welcomed and anticipated as the “most wonderful time of the year.”  Yet, for many it is a time they have been dreading.  The calendar is marked off not with anticipation, but with anxiety and fear.  They wonder how they will get through the holidays.  They …

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Your Ungodly Alliances Can Impact Future Generations!

We don’t live to ourselves, but depend upon others in many ways. The question that shapes who we are and what we become is, “Who is it that we depend upon?” We are drawn to alliances and relationships with others. God made us this way. But the alliances and relationships we form impact our life …

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What a Horse Taught My Daughter

It was the saddest day yet on our farm. As parents we had talked about how difficult that day would be, but imagined it would be a long ways off. Brooke’s horse, Chief–her strong gelding horse who was the love of this 12 year old’s heart–had injured his leg. We thought it was a simple …

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A preacher’s marriage has a unique set of challenges and needs. No one understands those stresses and challenges except other preachers. Yet, there is nothing currently available for preachers and their wives to get away with other preachers and their wives and mutually share their wisdom and struggles. That is until now . . . …

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Wrongful Birth???

A mother in England is suing a British Hospital for “wrongful birth” desiring $250,000 for the cost of raising the child. Her son was born with Down Syndrome, she claims the hospital did not provide her with the proper screening as she desired an abortion. The child is now four years old! She was reported …

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It’s the Church’s Job to Grow Kids Spiritually

Luke tells us that Jesus grew in four areas (Luke 2:52): Wisdom [mentally, academically] Stature [physically, athletically, health] Favor with man [socially, kindness, relationships] Favor with God [spiritually, knowledge and fear of God, obedience] Kids today still have a responsibility to grow in each of these areas. Each of them take effort and work. As …

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Even Jesus Had to Grow!

Some growing is easy! A child doesn’t have to think to make themselves add on inches to their height. For most of us adults growing around the waistline happens much easier than we want! But most growing is difficult. It typically takes lots of work and effort. An athlete must work hard to grow in …

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A Lamb Parable and Unwanted Babies

She is a good sheep. She minds her business well and plays well with the herd. She had no family goals or desires to have a lamb of her own. She delayed it as long as she could, but eventually she succumbed to the temptation and ended up pregnant. It was a cold night in …

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