Author's posts

Balancing Optimism with Reality

We are eleven months into the two week period of slowing the curve! Each step of this journey has been met with various predictions of when life will be back to “normal.” But, it seems that all these predictions have come up woefully short. This wears on your nerves! No matter where you fall on …

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Get Clear in 2021

2021 is moving quickly. Your New Year’s resolutions may already be slipping away. I have a good exercise for you to consider before more of 2021 slips by without accomplishing your goals. Consider this little formula, taken from a business book, for your life. “Clarity drives confidence, and confidence drives commitment!”* Clarify your Aims. Spend …

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Letting 2020 Go . . .

Remember the time you were expecting a piece of candy or a pickle to taste sweet, but it was bitter? It sent a shock to your taste buds. You quickly had to get something to drink in order to get the taste out. You may feel like you need to wash the bitterness left in …

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A Boring December

This has been a Christmas season like no one can remember. December has the reputation of being one of the busiest months of the year. This year, I am hearing the opposite from young and old alike. Kids are bored because they aren’t in school and miss their holiday programs and parties. Adults don’t enjoy …

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Guilt Found in a Right Ear

I cracked my wife’s phone by dropping it accidentally in the garage. Every time I look at the phone, I think about this mistake–while also mindful of her forbearance with me. I had a van one time that had a big dent in the side, that was received from a deer who decided to come …

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God Heard the Cry of the Boy

Hagar had reached her breaking point. She had been sent away from her providers into the wilderness with only some bread, water, and her young son. The water bag had given its last drop. She put the child under some bushes and went a little ways off preparing for his and her eventual deaths. Should …

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Can We Be Thankful in 2020?

2020 has been a depressing year! It has been a year we would like to forget, but surely will not be able to forget. We could never have predicted–toilet paper shortages, no March Madness, virtual schooling, church cancellations, mask wearing, election nightmares, a pandemic, and even cancelled holiday gatherings. It has been a surprising, difficult, …

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Presence and Prayer

Our Lord was sorrowful and troubled. His heart was awash with emotions and feelings. His mind was confused with different desires. The greatest of conflicts was going on within his mind–would it be God’s will or the Son’s will? A day full of activity had finally come to a close. As the clock approaches midnight, …

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Does the Milk Get in the Bowl?

A few years ago, Costco redesigned the shape of its milk containers. The spout was larger and the container taller and skinnier, giving it a more cylindrical shape. They told customers the new shape allowed for easier, more efficient stocking and delivery, and was thus cost-effective. They could sell milk cheaper and with a better …

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Responding to Pressure

Pressure changes outcomes. We watch live sports because it is exciting to see what will happen in the heat of the battle. When the championship is on the line the athletes feel the pressure. Some rise to the occasion and perform in exceptional ways, while others will fold. Both responses are gripping to watch and …

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