Are You Willing to Be Bored for Jesus?

"Most Bored" by Sally Bradshaw at

“Most Bored” by Sally Bradshaw at

All churches can have times where you get bored.  You may get bored with a Bible class teacher, or a person who makes too many comments in Bible class.  You may be bored with the same old youth group activities.  You may not like a song leader or a song that goes on endlessly like a slow moving train.

Surely every preacher has a lesson that is boring from time to time!

John Mark Hicks, a professor and author, put this thought-provoking status update on Facebook and Twitter.  He wrote:

“It is difficult to imagine one willing to die for Jesus if they are not also willing, for the sake of community, to be bored for Jesus.”  [Facebook / Twitter – March 20, 2016]

What a great thought!  How many of us take confidence in our own love for Jesus; we would willingly say we would die for Jesus, but then we will not bear with the smallest of things in our service to Him?  We are admonished through His teachings to love one another.  Loving one another involves patience, bearing with one another, and kindness (1 Cor. 13).

Service and worship in the church is not primarily about ourselves anyways.  It is about the glorification of God, not the gratification of people (1 Thes. 2:4).  If we are not willing to put up with our own self-imposed “boredom” for the cause of Christ, then maybe this says much about our attitude and true love for Jesus.

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1 comment

  1. Very true! Worship is not about me it is about God!

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