Are You More Focused on “Being” or “Doing”?

What have you done this week? What will you do next week? What have you accomplished in your last 10 years? What have you done in your life?

We are a people focused on “doing.” This is often to our downfall. We get so wrapped up in what we are doing, or are going to do, that we don’t stop and reflect on what we are “being.” We need to first consider what we should “be,” then we will know what we should “do.” Our foundational beliefs and attitudes shape our actions.

Steven Covey recommends as an exercise considering what you would want your important relationships to say about you at your death? He suggests that the answer to this exercise is your personal definition of success. Most folks discover that they want others to focus on their character and person, not on what they accomplished. We don’t want to be remembered for doing housework, business deals, or sports. We want to be remembered for our love, compassion, integrity, kindness, faith, and hope. We want to be remembered for our “being” not our “doing.”

This cuts to the heart of Jesus’ message in the gospels. Jesus focused on the heart first. He was concerned with creating a “new birth” in us. He wants his followers to “be” holy, pure, faithful, joyful, righteous, and loving. If we get our “being” right it will then affect our “doing.” Our priorities will be the priorities of God. Our behaviors will be the behaviors God would want. Before you plan out all you are going to do this week, think about what you are going to “be.”


Ideas from Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast – January 2013

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