Another Lesson from the Poor Widow

poor widwoIn ladies’ class this morning we were studying through Mark 12.  It contains the story of the poor widow who gave “two small copper coins, which make a penny.”  Jesus remarked when pointing out this widow to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box.  For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:42-44).

It seems the primary lesson drawn from this story is the sacrificial attitude of giving displayed by this poor widow.  Man looks at the “big givers” while God knew and cherished this gift, though small in worldly value, it was highly cherished by God.

But I believe there is more to this story.  The few verses above describe the Scribes who love to be seen of men with their long robes, best seats, and endless prayers.  Yet, they “devour widows’ houses.”  Jesus had just recently discussed the greatest commandment and deals with loving God from the heart, not just through outward sacrifices (Mark 12:28-34).

Maybe the widow’s story should be seen as a message to His disciples to take care of poor widows, like this one, who have great faith, meager finances, and cast their hope in God!  Is this widow a pattern for us to give everything we own to the Lord?  While a Christian certainly has the freedom to do such, it seems it would often be inadvisable to give everything.  Rather, it seems the lady has hardly anything.  She takes what little she has and chooses to give her last bit to the Lord.  Like the widow in Elijah’s day who was asked to bake her last bread for the Prophet rather than for herself and her son.  This widow casts her money and her hope with the Lord.

It is as if Jesus is saying to His disciples, you have a heart for this type of widow!  The Scribes and Pharisees focus on the big givers and mistreat the widows, but Jesus’ disciples have a responsibility of valuing the contributions of poor widows and seeing to their needs.  

How are we doing as His disciples in providing and caring for the widows who look to God for their provision?  Jesus knew it was easy to spot the big givers, but what about the needy giver who gives out of her deep poverty?  We must value and care for them, because God does!

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