A Christian and Homosexuality

Stock Photo at www.sxc.hu by Ayla87

Stock Photo at www.sxc.hu by Ayla87

Homosexuality is in the news again.  With the NBA player Jason Collins coming out as gay to tremendous fanfare and encouragement by National leaders, fellow players, and the news media.  A controversy has already erupted with an ESPN analyst who has issued an apology and clarification because he called homosexuality a sin and acting in “open rebellion to God”  (source).

I have been wanting to address this issue for some time on this blog.  I plan on releasing three or four  posts this week.  This first post is a foundational post laying forth a Scriptural foundation and thoughts on what it means for a Christian today.

I know that this is a sensitive topic because it affects friends and family members.  For those who sincerely struggle with this sin, it is a difficult sin to overcome and challenges you to thoroughly examine your self-identity, friendships, past, and commitment to Christ.

I hope these posts can be instructive to all.   I desire to communicate with love and truth in the spirit of Christ.

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin.  

  • Genesis 2:18-25, Matthew 19:4-6, 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:9 along with other passages teach us God’s desire for the sexual union to be within the confines of marriage between a man and woman.  Other sexual practices like adultery, homosexuality, fornication, and lust are spoken of as sin.  
  • The sin of homosexuality was condemned and spoken of as great and grievous in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah found in Genesis 18:20-21, ch. 19, and 2 Peter 2:7.  Jude refers to their sin as “gross immorality” and describes them as going after “strange flesh”  (v. 7).
  • The old law of Moses is clear on this sin  (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13).  It was described as an “abomination” and a sin punishable by death.
  • Paul lists it as one of the sins of the Gentiles in Romans 1:24-32.  Paul describes it as a sin that is against nature and the creative design of God.
  • Paul directly condemns the practice in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 1 Timothy 1:9-11.
  • John refers to the sexually immoral as not a part of the heavenly city in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15.

The Bible is clear on this subject.  Homosexuality is a perversion of God’s design and plan for mankind.  It is a sin that hurts the heart of God and separates the sinner from God.  It will cost someone their soul!

What is the responsibility of the Christian today?

  1. Stand for truth.  We cannot compromise the truth of God’s word despite the prevailing winds of our culture.  The Chick-fil-a controversy or the controversy brought on today by Chris Broussard’s comments show the ideology of our mass media and overall culture. Though many within Christian circles are accepting and supporting the homosexual lifestyle and practice, Christians dedicated to the authority of Scripture must stand for truth.  The real issue for the Christian is a submission to Biblical authority.  We must remember that we serve and answer to God.  We are in His Kingdom and His Kingdom takes first priority (Mat. 6:33).        
  2. Love the Sinner and Offer the Hope of the Gospel.  Homosexuality is a sin, and like all other sins the key is being willing to be convicted and repent of it (Acts 2:38, 17:30-31. 2 Cor. 7:10-11).  Individuals who are struggling with this sin need the church’s love, support, and encouragement.  They need to have trusted brethren they can confide in who will assist them in their struggle to overcome.  The gospel is the power of God (Rom. 1:16).  It has the power to free a practicing homosexual from the emptiness, guilt, shame, and loneliness they feel.  The Corinthian church had members of it who had formerly been homosexual in their sexual lifestyle (1 Cor. 6:9-11).  But they were washed, sanctified, and justified by the blood of Jesus Christ.  The person must be willing to change.  This can be a very difficult process when the sin has a stronghold on their life, but through the power of Christ, prayer, the Word of God, and the love and encouragement of the church they can.  It will require a change in friendship, lifestyle, and self-image. Many have overcome and many will.  Get help with a professional Christian counselor trained to help in this area.  The blood of Christ offers hope and healing.

I have tried to keep this post brief, yet clear.  I hope you will read future posts in the next few days regarding this theme as I share some more thoughts.

Tomorrow’s Post – “How the Normalization of Homosexuality is Harming Our Kids”


For other reading check out . . .

Christian Courier has some good articles on this topic.  This link should show some of them.

Adam Faughn’s post – A Personal Letter to a Homosexual Friend.  Very well said by Adam in this post.

Apologetics Press has some good articles on the subject as well.  You will have to search “homosexual”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.joshketchum.com/a-christian-and-homosexuality/

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  1. […] « A Christian and Homosexuality […]

  2. […] A Christian and Homosexuality […]

  3. […] While children may not pick up on the homosexual metaphor or the push to accept all types of families, Christian parents should still have a concern.  Though the movie may have some entertainment value and be overall just a fun show, we must understand the danger in this agenda.  Christians must continue to understand that us and our children are being pushed a secular, worldly agenda that subverts Biblical truth.  God wants us to love all people and certainly have concern for orphans and the marginalized of society.  But He certainly does not approve of the view that all families are acceptable and equal.  God designed the family system based on the committed love of a man and woman bond in holy marriage (see my post on The Christian and Homosexuality). […]

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