March 2013 archive

Considering Jesus’ Resurrected Body

It seems there is some benefit to examining the question—what type of resurrected body did Jesus have?           It clearly was somewhat different in biological function and characteristics than His earlier body.  Notice that Jesus had a body that bore the wounds and marks of his crucifixion.  Picture the description that …

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Easter Video Invite

If you are anywhere near Mayfield, Kentucky this Sunday, or any Sunday for that matter, I hope you will come see us at the Seven Oaks Church of Christ. This Sunday I am preaching on “The Story of the Cross.”  Please pray for my lesson and all those who hear.   Bible Class is at …

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Celebrating the Resurrection

The resurrection of Christ is the crux of Christianity. Jesus was not only crucified and buried, but he was raised on the third day.  We serve a living Savior!   The New Testament gives no command for elevating Easter as a religious holiday.  I am glad our culture considers Jesus and I see it as …

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Exploring the Trend to Eat Natural

Eating healthy and natural is a hot trend these days.  For example, people are interested in eating organic.  A FoodNavigator story said, “The U.S. [organic] industry is expected to go from $21.1 billion in 2010 to $36.8 billion in 2015.” Preservatives and other non-natural additives are considered harmful and a whole food diet is being …

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The Digital Library – Overdrive

I enjoy listening to audiobooks, but they are expensive to purchase.  I know if you listen to lots of them a paid lending service is a good option.  But it is hard to beat free! The local library here in Mayfield, Kentucky has a pretty good selection, but typically these are older books.   I …

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Would You Be Happy With Just Your Daily Bread?

*NOTE  – The following post will also appear on Michael Whitworth’s Start2finish blog.  Michael is a hardworking author and preacher.  He recently published his impressive commentary on Genesis, Epic of God which I would encourage you to check out.  In April, he is doing 30 days of Proverbs on his blog, since he is busy with …

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How Many Wells Would You Dig?

A carpenter was telling me yesterday about his current project of installing a fence.  This is not an ordinary fence but a fence that is built to separate neighbors who have battled in court..  As a part of the settlement the judge would not allow the man to construct a fence out of block or …

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Your Facebook Attitude

“Facebook!” Love it or hate it.  You cannot deny it’s power and pervasiveness.  It has changed our culture. If you use Facebook, I want to ask you to consider this question: “What attitude are you bringing to Facebook?” So often it seems that people will put a status update about some current reflection, a funny …

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Five Faith Catalysts: # 5 – Pivotal Circumstances

This is the last in this series.  Please check out the other posts. # 5 Pivotal Circumstances Everyone’s faith journey has some “defining moments.”  These are circumstances that happen either good or bad that shape our faith. I am speaking of good things like:  a marriage, choosing a Christian college, getting a promotion, going on …

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Obama Didn’t Kill Osama bin Laden the SEAL Team Did

I am listening to the book No Easy Day by Mark Owen which tells the first-hand account of the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.  In chapter 11 of the book the author tells how the SEALS were discussing the expected results of a successful raid on bin Laden.  These highly trained soldiers, who had …

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